Thursday, December 17, 2009

possible house

his and her sinks
shower and bath tub in master bath
backyard, not fenced all the way around.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Littleton, NH

Here are some pics of the town I just moved to, and I have to say I love the place already.

Here is a pristine pond along side a foot path just outside of town.
It didn't take me long to find some trails.

My new Xterra.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The last of Bloomington...for a while.

St. Francis

Madonna (Mary)

Bloomington Regional Airport
Adlai Stevenson relaxing on a bench.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

If it wasn't for Forgiveness I wouldn't understand Mercy.

I love that God holds true to his promise that his Mercy will be fresh every morning. (Lamt 3.23) For me this can even mean that they are new every night at Midnight. Sometimes thats when God meets up with us. Other times thats when we finally decide to stop running and collapse at his feet. Confession. It feels like I have been running for a little bit. Okay maybe a lot bit. It feels good to know he still cares. That he still forgives. I have always had trouble understanding where my place in his kingdom is supposed to be. I still do, and I probably will for a long time. If you hear me ever say that i am filled with excitement about moving, understand it has nothing to do with leaving my friends. That will be death. Worse than death. I would rather live in a house of clowns and cats living on a diet of Peeps before I would truly want to move away from my friends. I have to though, and I don't mean because FairPoint is making me. I could quit tomorrow and be okay with finding a new job. What I mean is that for me to grow I have to do this. I have really been identifying with Moses lately. I am beginning to believe this trip to NH will be like his into Midian. He had to leave his people and home to receive his calling. Who knows I might even find my wife. JK JK.  
If you know me well, you know that the Jman program has been HEAVY, I mean HEAVY on my heart for the last 4 years. Every time I sought Gods will on it, God has always told me no. Not a blazing NO NO NO, but simply no. Yet he has never taken this desire from me. This leads me to believe He wants me to keep it in mind. That one day he will give the go ahead. The scary thing is that as much as I joke about getting old, I AM getting old, cut off i think is only 4 years away. I told Andy earlier tonight that moving to NH will basically be like being a Jman. I will be forever and a day away from the people I love, there will not be a strong church presence up there, and I will have to start fresh relationships. Several years ago when I was first talking about the Jman program I made the statement that I don't know if I could ever be away from my friends for 2 years. A very loving, yet blunt friend quickly pointed out the flaw in that thinking. To quote her exact words( yes after 4 years I still remember them). "If that is what is holding you back that is some pretty weak CRAP." This was the closest of friends that told me that. Very strong words, but true. I know it put me in check.  
I wish I knew where life was going to take me. Then again I guess it wouldn't really be life if I knew what was going to happen. The thought of Jman fills my heart with excitement. I don't know the path I will be on. I hope some of the questions are answered in the next two years of my life. Please pray for me as God and time reveal my life. It is sometimes hard not knowing what your place in this world is. I keep moving forward; simply because that is the only thing I know to do. I am a person who doesn't like to not know. It doesn't matter what its about, I want all the information i can possibly have. So not having these answers is tough.